The Art of Orlando Jax
Laxfala - luxury planet
Vintage travel posters from the future featuring the luxury destination planet of Laxfala - where the air is clean, the water pure, and the flora, fauna and fungi are pristine. A world untouched by industry.

Lose yourself among the vineyards of Laxfala.

Watch the firebirds in their spiral ballet of the air.

A forest of flower trees, perfumes rich and exotic.

A temple built by a civilisation now long departed.

Hidden in the central basin, a lake so clean and with glass fish.

Laxfala is about what you want to see and experience.
The Art of Orlando Jax
Laxfala - luxury planet

The first explorers found grapevines growing wild all over Laxfala. It didn't take them long to start cultivating vines in vineyards and working with the fruit to see how wines might develop. The results were astounding, producing vintages that quickly came to be regarded as better than anything on Old Earth. With indiginous yeasts producing wines ranging from the herbal, fragrant, green tinted marvels of the Longmarsh variety to the full bodied, almost blue wines of Beach, Laxfala is a premium wine destination.
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As dawn breaks and night falls, Laxfala's firebirds gather for their spiral ballet. A great column of birds forms, twisting and turning, rising and falling in time and tune with their songs. There must be many thousands of birds in the hundreds of spirals that form across the forest plains. Why they do what they do is still a mystery. Suddenly the firebirds disperse and disappear back into the forest, and become elusive and almost impossible to find. Another of the wonders of Laxfala.
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Flower Trees

In sheltered gorges within the foothills of the equatorial mountains are the flower tree forests. Trees that can grow to over 100 metres with foliage that explodes with colour - blues and reds, yellows and purples. Long term exposure to the forests can induce a mild form of synesthesia as tree colours become associated with their distinct and compelling perfumes. It is possible to know a flower tree by its smell. Tree petals that fall to the ground are collected and used to make infusions - some with medicinal benefits, some for a feeling of euphoria.
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Sea Henge

As far as we know there is no human-like presence on Laxfala. But there is evidence that it did exist at some point. One of the most important sites is Sea Henge, a great monument, forged from the living rock and perched on a promontory overlooking Laxfala's Sea of Souls. It was built a long time ago and appears to have been used extensively but for what purpose is not clear. Individual stones within the circle carry strange runes and do seem to be aligned with geological and astronomical phenomenon.
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Glass Lake

Glass Lake is one of over a thousand lakes in the central basin of Laxfala. All are characterised by crystal clear waters but Glass Lake is unusual because the surrounding hills protect it from the wind. On a typical day the surface of the lake is as glass. Possibly as a consequence of the purity of the water, the many species of fish that live in the lake are basically transparent. The best an observer can hope to see is a flash of silver. It is believed the roots of the trees that line the shores of the lake are largely responsible for purifying the water.
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Your Way

Almost as soon as it was discovered, Laxfala was given special protection as a natural reserve and a galactic treasure. Development is very tightly controlled and heavy industry, logging and mining are forbidden. That said, towns are being developed following environmental and sustainable frameworks and these now offer galaxsia class accommodation for the traveller. A holiday on Laxfala can take many forms - wander the tropical rainforests, ski on the glaciers, dive with the giant turtles or journey through the temperate forests - what do you want to do?